Can Mosquera reborn
For thirty years my wife, Francesca Bray, and I spent several months every year in Can Mosquera, our Mieres home. But we were getting older — and Brexit happened. In 2018 we asked the Ajuntament de Mieres, the local council, if they would accept Can Mosquera as a gift to the community, a token of our gratitude for three decades of generous hospitality.
The Mieres Council undertook to convert Can Mosquera into a community centre for social, cultural and educational use. Its process of transformation has been part of the Council’s commitment to participatory governance, with plans and decisions made by the community. Although Covid significantly slowed progress, funds were raised to install sustainable energy systems, a lift, and a refashioning of the four-story house into spaces suitable for craft workshops, performances, children’s activities, and the many Mieres societies whose activities enhance village life. The work was finally completed in April 2023, and the official opening will take place soon - watch this space!